Wednesday, July 13, 2011

diaper bag

It only took me three hours to complete!
{Which I love, because I am the type of crafty person that enjoys having her projects completed in the same day I started them.  I know, I know.  I have no patience.}
Simplicity #4117:  Bag F

Well, technically, the pattern I used is for a large purse (click on the picture's caption for a link to the pattern).  However, my plan is to use it as another diaper bag.  This bag is large enough to hold Annaleigh's stuff AND John David's paraphernalia AND my things {including lip-gloss...a mama's gotta look good, ya know?}.

I'm so proud of myself because I wouldn't consider myself a "seamstress".  I'm more of a person who tinkers with the sewing machine until something happens {which in some cases, is a broken needle or a big ball of intricately woven knots, and then I usually walk away - sending up the white flag - until I'm motivated to rip out the knots on another day...}

Maybe my form of nesting isn't cleaning, per say.  Maybe it's being crafty?  Because the urge to be in my craft room is insatiable!

Now on to my next project:  bibs!

Today I'm linked up over at...


  1. the two bibs you made landon are my favorites. I keep them clean and nice b/c I consider them my "outing" bibs!!! I love it! Keep it up!

  2. so pretty and chic! is it a pattern that a person with somewhat limited sewing skills could complete? I may just make myself one!

  3. love it! you are a talented mama!

  4. Thanks, girls! ;)

    And Jeanette, the directions on the pattern were a little hard do understand at first (because I don't use patterns often, and they tend to use "sewing-lingo" the word: "baste" --I had to google that one--) But after reading it a few times, I soon caught on. The actual process is A LOT easier than the actual directions...ironic. It doesn't hurt to try...and if all else fails, sell the pattern on ebay!


Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul. -Unknown