Friday, July 1, 2011

my fourth finger

"Tertullian alludes to the ancient custom of wearing a gold ring on the fourth finger because it was believed that a vein ran from that finger directly to the heart.  A woman was allowed to wear gold only there, in promise of marriage.  In the medieval service the wedding ring was placed on the first thumb, 'in the name of the Father,' then on the index finger, 'in the name of the Son,' on the third finger, 'in the name of the Holy Ghost,' and on the fourth finger with the Amen.

When the wedding ring is put on your finger you will have finally sealed your choice.  It is this man, and this one alone, whom you have chosen for 'as long as you both shall live'...It is a vow you are making before God and before witnesses, a vow you will by God's grace keep, which does not depend upon your moods or feelings or 'how things turn out.'  As others have said, love does not preserve marriage, the marriage preserves love."
-Elisabeth Elliot, Let Me Be a Woman

My dearest Michael,

Today was the day of our wedding rehearsal.  I was beyond excited that day.  Not simply because we were about to have catered BBQ chicken, from the Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse, during the rehearsal dinner, but I was less than 24 hours away from being declared your wife before God and our family and friends.

Tomorrow marks the day when our dream became a reality.  Our dream of, someday, finding the person that God had specifically designed for each other.  The person we would walk this earth with until we met our Savior.  The person who would help create a team in which to glorify God.  6 years later, by the grace and strength of God, that dream is still alive.

In fact, my love for you, Michael, has grown deeper with each passing day.  But it didn't just "happen" that way.  I believe we have done well to fight for what God has brought together.  It is only because our love for the Savior, independently and purposefully, has continued to grow and strenghten.  And dare I say, in spite of struggles, it's grown beyond expectation?

To tell me 7 years ago, that the handsome(!) guy I saw standing in the cafeteria, as I opened milk upon milk for my 4 year old students, would one day be my best friend, lover, exhorter, and father of my children, I would have laughed.  At that time, I in no way, felt I deserved such a life.  And yet, here we are.  Side by side.  Living a life that some people can only dream about.

I know I've said it to you a hundred times before, but I'm going to say it to you again: I can not thank God enough for you.  But I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying.  And I pray, with every fiber of my being, that the next 6 years, 12, 18, 100 years will become even more sweet than it is today.

Michael, you are my gift from heaven.  I love you.  Yesterday.  Today.  Forever.

Happy 6th Anniversary, Babe.

Your devoted wife,

P.S.  Super tomorrow?


  1. such a wonderful post! May God give you many more years together. Happy Anniversary!

  2. When I read the title of your post on twitter, I anticipated a post about the fingernail that keeps breaking :-p What a well-written declaration of your love for your hubby and your gratitude toward the One who brought you two together! God is good! Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. p.s. beautiful wedding dress... beautiful bride!!

  4. awe- I remember your wedding very clearly- it was beautiful! Happy Anniversary!!

  5. Thanks, Kari!

    Jenna, haha! The first part of your comment made me laugh - I didn't even think about it! lol! And, thank you for the rest of your sweet words!

    Chas - I couldn't have gotten through that day WITHOUT you!!! And you can tell Mark that we STILL CHERISH our video. You two mean the WORLD to us and we are so blessed to call you FRIENDS!!!


Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul. -Unknown