...is March 1st.
I'm writing this to you from our computer room (apropos...don't you think? and using that fancy new word I just learned...you like?). The door is currently shut. This is so my children don't hear me breathing or the sound of the light taps of my finger-tips on this-here keyboard. They were born with stealth-spy ears. (Not sure who they inherited that from...) They hear anything that resembles a human (specifically, their Mommy) and instantly scream for rescuing from their crib cages.
This is the 3rd day of Annaleigh's potty training. I had it all planned out perfectly. Then my daughter messed it up. Because, for some reason, a 2YO can't understand the adult plans of her Mommy (which would have had her trained yesterday). So....I've had to modify the plan. And I'm happy to say it's more toddler friendly (specifically, Annaleigh friendly...which means MnMs have to be included in the equation on a regular basis...). She's doing much better today. So there is hope. Hope for Mommy to not go insane. Which creates a win/win for all involved.
This is also they day of our March SWF monthly meeting. I get to go hear Joanna Arp speak on how to be my husband's cheerleader. The title says it all, "Get Behind Him! Cheer Him On!!!"...Joanna is so cute. So animated. So lively. So passionate about the things of God. It's hard not to have it rub off on you. I really enjoy these meetings. A chance to get out. Without my beloved babies. Eat dessert. Drink soda. Spend time catching up with friends. But most importantly, have my heart gripped by God. A.maz.ing. Doesn't it make you want to be a seminary wife?
Today, I also started the herb supplement called Fenugreek. For all your nursing mamas (past and present)...you just may be familiar with such a concept. Let's just say JD is always hungry and this little mama of his is having trouble keeping up...we'll leave it at that.
March 1st is also the first day of Ann Vonskamp's March Joy Dare list. (So apropos that it begins on the 1st...hmmm? Man, I just LOVE that word, don't you? I even got to use it TWICE in one post.) It goes along with her book (and philosophy) One Thousand Gifts. I read the book in 3 days. It has literally changed my entire. life. And so now I can't help but participate in it. Today's gifts? 3 gifts at 3PM: a 2YO happily sitting on a potty, a baby boy's smile, the start of some alone time.
And today was the day I realized that it's not selfish of me to crave, desire, and yearn for relationships with others. It says in Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created him; male and female he created them." That not only means the obvious...but it means that because God is a triune figure...they experience relational intimacy with each other. So if I am created in that image, I would have a God-given desire to want relationships. To want to be loved. And accepted. And gushed all over with affection. Maybe that's a reason I blog. Because I crave the friendships I have out here in the blogosphere. I love my readers. Some of you I know personally. Others, only through thoughts which have become realized. Either way...the yearning is there. I'm really glad you stopped by to see me. Thanks for reading.
Today's weather: 38°. Rainy. Cloudy. (surprise, surprise...welcome to NEPA)
Annaleigh speaks my language...chocolate:-)