Wednesday, March 7, 2012

internship q&a: the last 3

HERE, HERE, and HERE are the previous posts, in case you missed them.

What will your internship look like?

Well, for me personally, as the wife, it will look a little different than what it will look like for Mike.  Overall, we will be there for one year.  We may move into a house owned by the church.  If not, we will need to find an apartment near our internship site, that is affordable.  We will then begin learning what we can by being zealously pro-active in the church.  But to sum it up, nothing is actually required for me!  ha!  However, as I said before, the seminary has explained I will only get out of this experience what I put into it.  So they've graciously supplied me with suggestions!  Which is good, seeing as I am one who craves pre-planned direction!

My Ministry Experience (aka Ministry Visits)
Each site handles this in their own way.  However, it is suggested I visit six various ministries and interact with someone about the experience.  It is a "tool" to expose me to ministries.

Applied Bible Analysis
I am asked to evaluate my husband's preaching.  Since Mike is required to speak, at least, four times during our internship, I'm asked to complete the included evaluation form, discuss my observations with him, and then give him the completed forms to turn in with the rest of his APA requirements.

Core Curriculum 
My mentor and I will meet regularly (bi-weekly) to interact and discuss topics such as (but not limited to):

  • The husband and wife as a ministry team
  • Raising children in the ministry
  • The ministry of hospitality
  • Discipling others
  • Personal spiritual development
  • How to deal with confidential information
So, all in all, I will participate in the church and it's happenings.  At the same time, regularly meeting with my mentor to discuss and process all the information and lessons being learned.  


When are you graduating?

 The plan is, if the Lord wills, Mike will graduate in May of 2013 with a Masters of Divinity.


What are your plans after internship?

I can only guess what you all are thinking!  It makes the corners of my mouth turn up a bit.  Because you all have the "answer" in your minds.  But let's do a small biblical reality check:  since we are doing our best to live a life according to God's word, following His plan for our lives, while humbly submitting to whatever may come our way...we know that ANYTHING is possible.  And not just the "impossible" either.  We know that even the possible is possible.  Confused?  Let me explain...

We believe Mike will graduate after his internship.  As far as we know, this is pretty certain.   But just because someone has a degree in a certain field, does not mean they will get a job in that certain field.

But after graduation?
Here's a few scenarios (but not limited to):
  1. Mike is hired onto the staff at Northridge.  We stay in Rochester indefinitely.  We plant a daughter church (sometime in the future).  Mike becomes a lead pastor.
  2. Mike is not hired at Northridge.  Mike is hired on staff at different church somewhere in America.  We plant a daughter church (sometime in the future).  Mike becomes a lead pastor.
  3. Mike is not hired at Northridge.  Mike isn't hired at any church, at all.  We stay in Rochester (or move somewhere in America) where he gets a job doing something that will support our family while we pray for God's wisdom.
  4. Mike and I become missionaries.  (This is not a burden of ours, but experience has taught me that God uses the lives of His people however He wants, for His glory!  So if this is what He wants...we'll hop on the plane to get there!)
So....who knows?!?!  Only God.  And it's in Him I'm learning to trust.  Because, honestly, this goes against every fiber of my natural being.  I enjoy knowing.  Wouldn't it bother you to not have a blesséd idea where you will be living next year and what you'll be doing and how you will be able to pay for food???  This is so hard for me.  

The only way my brain, emotions and soul can find any sort of comfort is to wake up each day, place my feet on the floor, and know God will give me strength for the next 24 hours.  One. day. at. a. time.

I also live with anticipation of the amazing story that is being written of my life.  My friend, Jessica, always reminds me how wonderful it will be to look back and see the hand of God show up in a BIG way even though the next step you take is terribly uncertain and unclear.  It helps me to press forward.

Like I said, I enjoy knowing.  And the only thing I can know, for sure, is that I serve a God that loves and cares for me.  One who will never mistreat me.  And all will work out for the good of His ultimate plan for this world.  And what a privilege to also know that He allows little-ole-me to have a part in it.

Please join us while we pray for:  
  • A place to live in Rochester that is affordable and near our internship site.  (some specifics:  three bedrooms, a type of office-space for Mike to work, a kitchen with counter space, cabinets, and a stove-hood, a yard for Annaleigh and JD to play, one level (if not one level, a bathroom on each floor), and walls that are well-insulated (our current heating/cooling bills are out of this world!).  (I know these specifics may seem crazy to you that I should ask...but I believe in the general rule that you don't have because you don't ask!!  So, we may not get these things...but it doesn't hurt to ask, right?)
  • A mentor with which I "click."  My personality tends to come off a bit....ummm...strong to some.  
  • A sense of peace/security about our unknown future.
  • Our future.  

62° sunny and very windy here in NEPA!  We were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day!

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Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul. -Unknown